Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka,
Basic Information
Location: Kamchatka, Russia, 56°
38' N, 161° 19' E
Volcano Type: Strato Volcano
Height: 15,584 ft
Kluchevskoy, or Kluchevskoi, is an active volcano
on the Kamchatka peninsula. It is one of the fifteen, out of the one hundred
volcanoes, in the Kamchatkan peninsula that is active. The mountain and
caldera is covered by ash and a little of snow. To the north of this
volcano is Shiveluch, a volcano that was previously active, but now it
is dormant.
Eruption - January 30, 1998
During the previous week seismic activity has been mounting,
and the volcano has been expected to blow very soon. On January 30 a fumarole
erupted a plume of hot water, a little ash, hot steam, and super heated
water 100 meters high. The cloud has been recorded moving to the east at
about 1 kilometer.
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